Ever wondered if being pregnant with an ileostomy is different?

I will share stories, events and facts about being pregnant with an ileostomy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

...no more @ 10 weeks and 5 days

Well... With the spotting that started on Monday, I noticed it got worst as the time went on. This morning, I noticed some clots and knew right then and there that something wasn't right. I called in sick to work and on my way I went to the ER. Spent many hours there, had blood tests, a shot and an ultrasound. Somehow, as the nurse was doing the ultrasound, I knew that my "baby" was no longer alive...
After many hours of waiting for the U/S results, the Dr. called me in and announced that the blood count was dangerously low (which was a first hint that something was wrong) and that... the "baby" was supposed to be the size of 10 weeks was actually the size of an 8 weeks fetus and that it had no heartbeat.... Being there, alone was the hardest part! All I wanted was to go home...

Tonight, I'm saying good bye for good. I need to take these meds that will make it all go away and clean it all up... I'm expected to be in a lot of pain (which is why they prescribed pain meds)... I'm not looking forward to the outcome... I will post my last blog once I have gone through the last step... Then, I will eventually come back once I'm pregnant a second time !!!

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