Ever wondered if being pregnant with an ileostomy is different?

I will share stories, events and facts about being pregnant with an ileostomy.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sharing the news !!

Thursday January 20th, 2011, my boyfriend comes home after work. We talk a bit while I'm getting ready for work and say silly things. I couldn't wait any longer and say to him: "would you act that same way if you were a father?" He tells me to repeat and says "what do you mean?". So I show him the test stick and repeat my sentence.
He couldn't believe it. He was so happy and said: "we're going to be parents!!!" and the next thing he says is: "see, I told you I had strong swimmers..." (he had chemo and radiotherapy about 8 years ago).

As soon as I left for work, he ran over to his grandma's and his aunts and told them the news. Later on during the day, he told his parents and told the neighbors across the street since they just had a baby a few weeks ago...

While he's telling all of his family and some friends, I try to keep it quiet until I can tell my family that weekend. Come Friday afternoon, I drive over to my parents house to announce the news to my father. He then tells me that he already knew! I was so sad and pissed off, I could not believe someone else would tell my family !!!
I ended up finding out that my neighbors told another lady and she works with my mother. That lady told my mother who told my father.

I couldn't believe that I wasn't able to tell my own family my biggest news. It made me quite angry and let me tell you that I will never, EVER forgive this lady for telling my mother about my secret (and she knew my mom didn't know).

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